Friday, October 12, 2007

Congratulations Should’ve-Been-Our-President Al Gore!

Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for all his efforts in trying to make the world get a better understanding of global warming. Global warming it’s such a scary thing but I think what’s even scarier is the fact that people don’t seem to care so much for it, or just not take it as seriously as they should; “I’m not gonna be around by the time the world ends, so why bother?” Ummm, yeah. I actually wonder how many advances or at least how much closer to making it better we would be if the Board of Elections wouldn’t have cheated in Florida back in 2000. Bastards. Ok,that’s as political as I’ll get.

Here’s the article on the Nobel Peace Prize.

1 comment:

Lucie said...

I was soooo excited about this! Glad someone else felt my happiness! Now if only Clinton could win....