Friday, March 16, 2007

Guest Blogger!! DAR

Following an invitation to do a guest spot on Jayne's blog, my wonderful wife* decided to also allow me to share my two cents on her blog so here I go again:

Friends, let this be a warning to you all that WE ARE NOT ALONE.

There are various realities in life that we accept without question and without any deep and insightful thought. The truth of the matter is that we live in a populated planet. We live in cities, we live in neighborhoods - we generally operate our lives with people constantly around us in one capacity or another.

You must accept this premise before you can continue to read.

That said, privacy plays a pretty big role in our lives and can take various forms. There are just things that we have to do alone. And, I argue, these are activities that we have to somehow fit within our daily populated lives.

I present before you, the jury, the strangest of all sociological experiments: the public bathroom

I can talk about this topic for hours, but, let me focus on just one scenario that consistently puzzles me:

I like my privacy in the bathroom as does a majority of the population. So, if I am in a bathroom with 5 stalls, all empty except for the last one (where I happen to be peeing), what exactly motivates someone to take the one right next to me? C'mon, we have the room, don't you want a little privacy too? A little personal space? Can we just pretend for the next 1.5 minutes that this is our time to resolve our biological needs….alone?

And, here is where we come to the striking reality, friends, that we are NEVER truly alone.

* Please note that the author used the term girlfriend and this editor decided to change it wife. Hey, why not? We have two weddings, a Canadian certificate and 200+ witnesses to prove it!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I didn't know Darlene had her own clip art!!

Although I wasn’t the one that found this clip art (I think it would’ve been a very weird moment!) I wanted to share this with you guys because the clip art is uncanny. Dar is pretty sure that it is her and I agree… Take a look; it’s very bizarre!!!