Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Chachi’s 3rd Christmas!

Like every year, Chachi gets plenty of gifts for Christmas. This year however, I think that she got her favorite so far since she had a big grin on her face! Here's also a picture of her opening one of her many gifts.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It’s that time of the year… Holiday Parties!

Last weekend was a Holiday Parties-filled weekend. We kicked it off with our office holiday party on Friday (blog below) and then a friend’s holiday party on Saturday. This holiday party was not like any other though, yes we had good friends, good food, good music but we also had Santa him (her)self, Mrs. Claus and his/her elf friends! This is actually a few of my favorite pictures!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza and Happy Festivus!

Santa's crew behind the scenes!

then hard at work...

Some were more drunk than others...

The famous Rollin' Vs...

And the Bud Light menorah...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Office Holiday Parties: these could be dangerous!

Last Friday we had our office holiday party. The office decided that this year we should have dinner and karaoke. The night started off fairly mellow as these events usually start. Amazingly in a matter of just a few minutes with the help of Al(cohol) people started feeling more at ease and started to get a little crazy. Here are a few pictures prior to Al making the grand entrance:

Tricia kicked off the singing and Melanie & Molly followed up with a great act as well:

Then Al started to make his move:

The bosses trying to determine if it's OK that they're witnessing all this...

Then we moved on to our private singing room...

Having one eye bigger than the other can only mean one thing... damn you AL!!!

Keep 'em coming!!!

And then at the end of the night, they got a free taxi ride!!! But she had to hold the cabbie's hand. You gotta love New York!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Presenting… LUKA!

So the search is over; we found the puppy we were looking for!! Here she is. We’ll get her in January and we’re very excited. Chachi is very excited as well. We showed her a picture of Luka and she growled a little but I’m sure it was a growl of happiness… I hope! She’ll be fine. She’ll get to play with her and torture her just like an old sibling would… So once Luka comes home, we’ll throw a little party for ya’ll to meet her!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Talks of another Chachi coming sometime soon…

Maybe or maybe not, definitively not for Christmas but maybe in January? I’ve been doing a very casual research for a new mini Schnauzer puppy and I’ve come across many disturbing and ugly puppy pictures. I know, how can a puppy be U.G.L.Y? Ooooh, they are! I think that this one, however, wins for sure.

This picture might explain why many people think Schnauzers are hideous. Why do they do this to this poor creature!?!

Or how about this one with the little turds on the background? (by the way, this dog was listed under "puppies")

Or this one that looks like a guinea pig?

As of right now, the research continues…

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006

Karma N.Y.C

My friends Grace & Alison have been designing jewelry since 2001. What started as just making a few necklaces here and there is now a production that extends all the way to Bali! They now have their Charmas collection, tees, handbags and more. They have been featured in many magazines and I’m incredibly proud of my friends!! Their Charmas collection is very, very cool and is great for a gift. Check ‘em out!


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My family is crazy and that's why I love them!

I came to the realization that my family was crazy a very long time ago. Not just one side of my family but both: my mom’s and my dad’s. You put them together and forget it, it’s a riot! But a good, clean, awesome fun riot! A few weeks ago we went to my uncle’s 60’s birthday (my mom’s side) in TN (blog below) and had a great time. Here are a few pictures. Explanation might be necessary but not provided! Enjoy. (Fake deer)

Monday, November 27, 2006

New York Rugby Club represents at the CBS Morning Show

This morning a couple of NYRC members went to the live taping of the CBS morning show to represent the team. It was actually pretty cool to see your teammates live on national TV doing a line out in the background while the host informally interviewed our coach! Picture and link to see clip below.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Clarksville, TN…

This past weekend I went to Clarksville, TN for my uncle’s 60th birthday. As quoted from the city’s website “Clarksville is a vibrant community located in Middle Tennessee, 40 miles northwest of Nashville.” I wouldn’t really call it “vibrant” but anyway….

We arrived at Nashville Friday night and decided to grab dinner somewhere downtown. We went to the Wild Horse Saloon. This place was HUGE -- three flights, a huge dance floor and a stage. That night Jason Jones was performing (picture below) the crowd was going wild for him and everyone was on the dance floor. It was actually fun to see a bunch of people square and line dancing. We grabbed dinner, a few beers then headed to Clarksville. There was a huge line to get in when we left around midnight… popular place I suppose…!

Clarksville, TN…

We are a very tight family so of course we’re all gonna get together for my uncle’s 60th b-day… even if he lives in Clarksville, TN…! The party was a lot of fun; amazing food (ribs, pulled pork, fried chicken), great company, good music and fairly good weather; we partied for a good 8 hours at the farm then we (cousins) decided to continue drinking at the hotel bar then at a pub by the hotel. The next day we went back to the farm to hang out with the fams, take a tour of the I-don't-even-know-how-many-acres-it's- huge-farm and I even got a chance to drive the tractor, pretty cool.

It was great seeing my family again; I just love hanging out with them, we truly are a fun pack and when we get together we enjoy each other’s company so much that we are guaranteed to have fun no matter what.

After this great experience at Clarksville, would I move there? NO! I’ve realized that I’m a city person and I would go nuts there. My aunt and uncle are incredibly happy living the farm life with their farm, barn, horses, sheep, chicken, wolves, tractors, chocolate lab (puppy they got this past Saturday, Clementine!), but I would seriously go crazy. It was great landing in NYC last night. Aaah, I’m home.

All in all it was GREAT seeing my family again and I can’t wait for our next family event!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Funny joke my friend Maite sent me, sorry it's in Spanish... it's a puerto rican little johnny...

Comenta la maestra en el salón de clases:
- "La hiena es un animal que vive en el norte de África; come carroña, se aparea una vez al año, y emite un aullido semejando a la risa del hombre..."

Pregunta la maestra: - "A ver, Jaimito, ¿que entendiste?"
- "La hiena es un animal que vive en África; come carne podrida, y se aparea una vez al año y hace un aullido que parece que se está riendo..."

Dice la maestra:- "Muy bien, Jaimito! ¿A ver tu Pablito?"
- "La hiena es un animal que vive lejos en África, que come carne podrida, se ríe como si fuera hombre, y se reúne con su pareja una vez al año"

- “Bien, bien.” ¿A ver tu Pepito? ¿Qué entendiste?" - "Maestra, yo solo tengo una pregunta. La hiena, viviendo en el carajo, con la mierda que come, y con lo poco que chinga, ¿De qué carajo se ríe?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lobsters gone wild!!

Did someone asked the lobsters for their ID? Some crazy shit went done on Morton St. this past Saturday...

Monday, November 13, 2006

#1 in the Nation!

This past weekend we went to Orlando, FL. to the Woman’s Rugby Division 1 Club National Championship and we won it! NY beat the Minnesota Valkyries on Friday and then went on to beat the 9-time defending champion Berkeley All Blues on Sunday. Both games were incredibly intense. Every single player on that field (both teams) was giving their all every second they were on the field. Two of the best rugby games I’ve seen!

Here's the link to the USA Rugby press release:


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My new favorite band...

for the moment is Razorlight... the song "America" is pretty good. Check 'em out:


Chachi the blog?

Just across a blog that caught my attention because the name of it was Chachi… my dog’s name is Chachi! Here’s the link to the Chachi blog: http://chachi5.blogspot.com/

And here’s a picture of my Chachi:

Ok, so I'm kidding here's a picture of Chachi and Stanley:

Dems are back; Britney dumps K-Fed??

Democrats win house majority or Britney dumps K-Fed… hmmmmm, which article do I read first…. Incredible! One article followed the other on the CNN.com… Anyhow, the Dems are back in the house after over a decade (woohoo!) and Britney Spears finally realized that K-Fed’s a loser!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cheerleaders? Hope not!

Yet another reason why my kids will never be cheerleaders... i hope...


Freedom - You Tube video

Freedom – You Tube video

My friend Sara forwarded me this video that I think is fantastic and more people need to see it:


Today is election Day: VOTE!

Monday, November 06, 2006

taste in music

Ok, this is the last one I do! but this test is pretty accurate...

Your Taste in Music:

90's Alternative: Highest Influence
90's Pop: High Influence
Adult Alternative: High Influence
80's Alternative: Medium Influence
80's Pop: Medium Influence